The time has almost arrived for TEMPESST's sophomore EP, Doomsday, to be shared with the world and this Friday the London-based Australian band have released front-runner ‘Doomsday’. This seventies-tinted indie-rock single comments on the meaning of life, a question which frontman and songwriter Toma Banjanin has been circling as of late. As he explains: “It’s the first time that I’ve felt so aware of my mortality and it probably doesn’t help that the Facebook and Netflix algorithms keep feeding me documentaries on the topic! Doomsday is about one of my many anxious spirals." Here, Toma’s anxiety is anthropomorphised as a 'lion in my bed', depicting the late night panic of waking from an apocalyptic nightmare. The track itself is bold, with orchestral strings, raw percussion, jarring guitar twangs and Toma’s brilliantly soaring vocals as he submits to the powerlessness one has against the force of life itself. - Hannah Thacker
